Static Layout


Staic layout is useful for those platform having less menu options and content sections where user required to scroll less.

CSS Classes

Default this template has a static layout elements, so there is no any specific classes need to add to create this layout.

To create this layout just need to confirm .fixed-top, .menu-fixed and .footer-fixed not applied to their respective element, in short do not use fixed layout classes.

HTML Markup

This section contains HTML Markup to create static layout. No need to add any specific classes just do not use fixed layout classes. This layout has a navigation, content and left sidebar sections with common header & footer.

Stack has a ready to use starter kit, you can use this layout directly by using the starter kit pages from the stack-admin/starter-kit folder.

                    <!DOCTYPE html>
                      <html lang="en">
                        <body data-menu="vertical-menu" class="vertical-layout vertical-menu content-left-sidebar menu-expanded">

                          <!-- fixed-top-->
                          <nav role="navigation" class="header-navbar navbar-expand-sm navbar navbar-with-menu navbar-dark navbar-shadow navbar-border">

                          <!-- BEGIN Navigation-->
                          <div class="main-menu menu-dark menu-shadow">
                          <!-- END Navigation-->

                          <!-- BEGIN Content-->
                          <div class="content app-content">
                              <div class="content-wrapper">
                                  <!-- content header-->
                                  <div class="content-header row">
                                  <!-- content header-->

                                  <!-- content body-->
                                  <div class="content-body">
                                  <!-- content body-->

                          <!-- END Content-->

                          <!-- START FOOTER DARK-->
                          <footer class="footer footer-dark">
                          <!-- START FOOTER DARK-->
