Hide on Scroll Top


The hide on scroll option use to hide your fixed top or bottom navbar on page scroll down, once you scroll up again it will be visible. In this page you can experience it.

CSS Classes

This table contains all classes related to the fixed top or bottom navbar with hide on scroll.

All these options can be set via following classes:

Classes Description
.navbar-hide-on-scroll To set navbar hide on scroll you need to add .navbar-hide-on-scroll class in navbar <nav> tag. Refer HTML markup line no 7.
.fixed-top To hide on scroll you need to set navbar fixed also, add fixed navbar in top .fixed-top class in navbar <nav> tag. Refer HTML markup line no 7.
.fixed-bottom Tohide on scroll you need to set navbar fixed also, add fixed navbar in bottom .fixed-bottom class in navbar <nav> tag. Refer HTML markup line no 7.

HTML Markup

This section contains HTML Markup to set navbar hide on scroll. This markup define where to add css classes to make navbar hide on scroll.

  • Line no 7: Contain the .navbar-hide-on-scroll class to make navbar hide on scroll.
  • Line no 7: Contain the .fixed-top or .fixed-bottom class for adjusting navbar fixed on top.

Stack has a ready to use starter kit, you can use this layout directly by using the starter kit pages from the stack-admin/starter-kit folder.

            <!DOCTYPE html>
              <html lang="en">
                <body data-menu="vertical-menu" class="vertical-layout vertical-menu 2-column menu-expanded">

                  <!-- navbar-hide-on-scroll-->
                  <nav role="navigation" class="header-navbar navbar-expand-sm navbar navbar-with-menu navbar-hide-on-scroll fixed-top navbar-dark navbar-shadow navbar-border">

                  <!-- BEGIN Navigation-->
                  <div class="main-menu menu-dark menu-shadow">
                  <!-- END Navigation-->

                  <!-- BEGIN Content-->
                  <div class="content app-content">
                      <div class="content-wrapper">
                          <!-- content header-->
                          <div class="content-header row">
                          <!-- content header-->

                          <!-- content right-->
                          <div class="content-right">
                          <!-- content right-->

                  <!-- END Content-->

                  <!-- START FOOTER DARK-->
                  <footer class="footer footer-dark">
                  <!-- START FOOTER DARK-->


JS Configuration

Stack Admin use headroom.js to functionate navbar hide on scroll. You need to use the following headroom.js configurations code for customization. File app.js has the following code for customization.

Plugin overview

Headroom.js is a lightweight, high-performance JS widget (with no dependencies!) that allows you to react to the user's scroll. The header on this site is a living example, it slides out of view when scrolling down and slides back in when scrolling up.

Plugin options

Headroom.js can also accept an options object to alter the way it behaves. You can see the default options by inspecting Headroom.options. The structure of an options object is as follows:

                  // vertical offset in px before element is first unpinned
                  offset : 0,
                  // scroll tolerance in px before state changes
                  tolerance : 0,
                  // or you can specify tolerance individually for up/down scroll
                  tolerance : {
                      up : 5,
                      down : 0
                  // css classes to apply
                  classes : {
                      // when element is initialised
                      initial : "headroom",
                      // when scrolling up
                      pinned : "headroom--pinned",
                      // when scrolling down
                      unpinned : "headroom--unpinned",
                      // when above offset
                      top : "headroom--top",
                      // when below offset
                      notTop : "headroom--not-top",
                      // when at bottom of scroll area
                      bottom : "headroom--bottom",
                      // when not at bottom of scroll area
                      notBottom : "headroom--not-bottom"
                  // element to listen to scroll events on, defaults to `window`
                  scroller : someElement,
                  // callback when pinned, `this` is headroom object
                  onPin : function() {},
                  // callback when unpinned, `this` is headroom object
                  onUnpin : function() {},
                  // callback when above offset, `this` is headroom object
                  onTop : function() {},
                  // callback when below offset, `this` is headroom object
                  onNotTop : function() {},
                  // callback when at bottom of page, `this` is headroom object
                  onBottom : function() {},
                  // callback when moving away from bottom of page, `this` is headroom object
                  onNotBottom : function() {}
Options Data type Description
offset Number Vertical offset in px before element is first unpinned.
tolerance Number Scroll tolerance in px before state changes,or you can specify tolerance individually for up/down scroll.
initial String When element is initialised this class will be applied.
pinned String when scrolling up, this class will be applied.
unpinned String When scrolling down, this class will be applied.
Top String When above offset, this class will be applied.
notTop String When below offset, this class will be applied.
bottom String When at bottom of scroll area, this class will be applied.
notBottom String When not at bottom of scroll area, this class will be applied.
scroller Element to listen to scroll events on, defaults to `window`.
onPin function Callback when pinned, `this` is headroom object.
onUnpin function Callback when unpinned, `this` is headroom object.
onTop function Callback when above offset, `this` is headroom object.
onNotTop function Callback when below offset, `this` is headroom object.
onBottom function Callback when at bottom of page, `this` is headroom object.
onNotBottom function Callback when moving away from bottom of page, `this` is headroom object.

In Stack Admin we have just used following headroom.js configurations options in js/code/app.js

Top navbar position example:

              // Top Navbars - Hide on Scroll
                "offset": 205,
                "tolerance": 5,
                "classes": {
                   // when element is initialised
                  initial : "headroom",
                  // when scrolling up
                  pinned : "headroom--pinned-top",
                  // when scrolling down
                  unpinned : "headroom--unpinned-top",

Bottom navbar position example:

              // Bottom Navbars - Hide on Scroll
                "offset": 205,
                "tolerance": 5,
                "classes": {
                   // when element is initialised
                  initial : "headroom",
                  // when scrolling up
                  pinned : "headroom--pinned-bottom",
                  // when scrolling down
                  unpinned : "headroom--unpinned-bottom",